Thursday, September 5, 2013

Co- opping

For the first of the four mandatory FSSP programs, I went to the Isla Vista Co- op. They were have free food tastings, so of course I went there. While there, the manager of the entire Co- op explained what exactly the store was, when it was created, and what the overall purpose is. I thought it was so cool that a most (or all, I cant remember) of the produce was organic or natural. It's awesome to know that healthy and natural food is so close and accessible. In Wisconsin it was a lot harder to purchase these types of foods, because nothing was within walking distance and it was also much more pricey. Yes, anything organic is pricier (at least from personal experience) but here, because everything is from farms and such around the area, it is not as expensive.
So far, I have already been there at least three times. Each time I go I find new treats to try; of the things I've tried, my favorite are the dried peach slices. I'm so happy that they had this program because I probably would not have found out about this awesome place so soon in my college experience.
Thank you IV Co- op.

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