Sunday, August 11, 2013

My name is Sam Kretchmar. I'm one of the few going to UCSB that is from out of state, Madison, Wisconsin to be specific. At some points it feels like I'm the only one with an accent, but then I just go talk to my roommate, who's from Texas. Ironically enough, I left Wisconsin for a new start, only to find myself in a place that felt just like home. I chose UCSB, not only because of it's reputation as the second best research university in the US, but also because it is one of the most beautiful campuses filled with students and faculty that seem like they really care. When I came and visited the campus, I knew this was the school for me.
At the moment I want to study Chemistry. I chose this, because all through my senior year, my favorite class was AP Chemistry. I don't know if it was because my teacher was awesome or that my best friends were in it or just that the material was interesting. I guess I'll find out. But, I think anything in the science field is interesting, especially marine biology. So if chemistry doesn't pan out I've always got another . In college I want to try and learn as many things as possible and really broaden my intellectual spectrum. I want to be able to know a little bit about everything, so when someone asks me something I don't sound like an idiot with a weird accent.
Peace Out.


  1. Samantha,

    Accents are cool, and they’re great conversation starters—use it to your advantage!

    I like your “intellectual spectrum” line. A lot of college is about that; take in what interests you most.

    Peace out x2.


  2. Hey Sam! :D
    My name is also Sam! But lately people have been calling me, Sammi (: I wonder why? Lol! I think it’s really interesting that you’re from Wisconsin! I think you made a good choice choosing UCSB ! California is great! But the tuition here, isn’t that great :( But in the end our future is worth it! What’s the biggest difference between California and Wisconsin (besides the geography)? Do you plan on staying here after college? And if you continue to pursue chemistry as a major, what would you want to do/ be? The science field is great! It’s always in demand!



  3. Hi Sam
    It was nice meeting you the first week of INT95 session. I chose UCSB because of the great environment too. I'm also interested in science and majoring in Chemistry because I just liked Chemistry and did really well in my AP Chem class. I'm hoping to somehow branch from Chemistry into Forensics so that I can aid in Criminal Justice.Maybe we could talk sometime and have Chemistry study sessions if either one of us faces some difficulty in the Fall.



